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When I was at school I never imagined I would end up writing books - I’m dyslexic, so my spelling was terrible and I struggled with my reading. Luckily my mum and dad read stories to me and took me to the library, where I spent hours looking at picture books – Asterix comics were my favourite. I had always liked drawing and I started keeping a sketchbook diary, especially if I travelled somewhere new. It was these diaries that inspired my first picture books, like Little Boat, which was shortlisted for the prestigious Yoto Carnegie Medal. Now, whenever possible, I like going into schools and libraries to talk to children about my work and help them write and draw their own stories.


I live in Swansea with my wife Helen and our two daughters. Helen and I often work together on books such as The Snatchabook, The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight and Pirate Nell’s Tale To Tell. Our books are sold around the world and have been translated into over 25 languages!


In 2023 I illustrated the multi award winning picture book The Hare-Shaped Hole written by John Dougherty (no relation!!!). It is a beautiful and thoughful story of coping with loss and it won two prizes at the Children's Books Ireland Awards and another two prizes at the UKLA Book Awards in 2024, as well as being shortlisted for the Oscar's Book Prize and more!

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© T H O M A S  D O C H E R T Y  2 0 2 0

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